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News from the Mayr-Melnhof Holz Group

The adaptation of services to market requirements optimizes production and creates new green-jobs in operation.
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Mayr-Melnhof Holz Wismar, 18. August 2022

Automated order picking line at Mayr-Melnhof Holz Wismar

The Mayr-Melnhof Holz plant in Wismar is taking a big leap forward: The new fully automated picking line including an additional second station for wood cosmetics started on schedule.

Mayr-Melnhof Holz keeps up with the times

The new order picking systems serve an ongoing trend in sales towards smaller orders and finished order picking for end customers. In order to make the plant as fit as possible for future requirements, both an increase in total production volume and flexibility in the portfolio are necessary.

This will be achieved by eliminating existing bottlenecks. For example, shipments were previously prepared manually throughout, at great expense due to the small-scale nature of the work steps required for this. A similar bottleneck was the manually complex wood cosmetics, which was carried out at just one station. After commissioning of the new automated line, this and other bottlenecks have now been eliminated and customers can be served much faster.

Numerous measures to optimize production

This required numerous individual measures or process steps, which were successfully implemented between August 2021 and June 2022. With the completion of the project, the following innovations have now been implemented:

  • Additional level and a second station for wood cosmetics.
  • Automated conveyor system
  • Picking crosscut saw
  • Portal picking system
  • Automated solution for labeling
  • Packaging equipment for single bars and packages (wrapping, foiling)
  • Fully automated cantilever rack warehouse
  • Automatic crane systems for parcel transport
  • Superior control system for intelligent production control

The adaptation of services to market requirements optimizes production and opens up new sales markets and access to new customers. Additionally, fascinating new green-jobs are brought off. A multi-million investment in the modernization and sustainable safeguarding of the Wismar site.

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