Klima Aktiv: Award for Mayr-Melnhof Holz Reuthe
As part of the second Austrian Sustainability Summit, Mayr-Melnhof Holz Reuthe was awarded the "Klima Aktiv Preis" on June 28.
With this award, the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection honors both successfully implemented climate protection measures of Austrian industrial and commercial enterprises and the ambitious "Maßnahmenpläne 2030" of the existing klimaaktiv project partners to phase out fossil fuels. Mayr-Melnhof Holz Reuthe implemented the following measures and was thus able to achieve CO2 savings of 15,700 tons!
- New air compressor including heat recovery, saving of electricity consumption: 408,380 kWh/year
- Installation of a new heat generation system with a warm water and a hot water boiler for the cogeneration plant for heat supply, operated with sawmill by-products, savings: 19,775,210 kWh/year
- Replacement of five existing drying kilns with six energy-efficient drying kilns with heat recovery, savings: 10,837,720 kWh/year
For us at Mayr-Melnhof Holz, the future has already begun: We think of the coming generations, decision-making and acting on the principle of sustainability are a matter of fact for us. The result of this responsible approach to the raw material that is wood are efficiently produced natural wood products, economically healthy locations, long-standing business partnerships and secure jobs.
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