How much “US” is in sUStainable forest management?
PEFC Austria addressed this question as part of this year's campaign.
Short videos are used to show how many steps and people it takes for a tree from sustainable forestry to end up in a final product.
The aim of the campaign was to illustrate to consumers the necessary steps, checks and tests that a product has to undergo in order to receive the seal of approval. Every single step in the value chain is strictly controlled, which means that the PEFC seal can guarantee that the products come from sustainably managed forests.
But how much US is actually in sUStainability?
Forest owners, forest workers and employees in PEFC-certified companies as well as consumers who buy products with the seal, they all symbolize the "US”. As PEFC-certified companies, Mayr-Melnhof Holz and Franz-Mayr-Melnhof Forstbetriebe are part of the campaign and provide insights into the harvesting of wood from sustainable forestry, soil-conserving transportation from the forest and resource-conserving further processing.
Mayr-Melnhof Holz is not only a pioneer in wood processing, but also in sustainable forest management. 100% of the valuable raw material wood is used. The sawdust produced during cutting is processed into an ecological, sustainable heating material.
The short video with Willibald Ehrenhöfer, Forestry Director at Franz-Mayr-Melnhof Forstbetriebe and Franz Schwarzauger, Managing Director of Mayr-Melnhof Holz Leoben, shows how the valuable heating material is produced and how many steps and people are involved in the process.
All short films can be found at
Consciously choosing products with the PEFC seal when shopping supports forest owners and subsequently, employees in the 550 local companies that work with sustainably sourced timber products. Anyone who chooses products with the PEFC seal is not only looking after the forest, but also at local jobs along the value chain of the sustainably produced future building material wood.
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