Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding,
24. May 2024
‘Fundamentals of timber construction’ - University course TU Graz
‘Expanding technical knowledge in the use of wood as a building material and gaining expertise in contemporary timber architecture’ are the aims of this part-time course at Graz University of Technology, which consists of 3 modules (5 ECTS each) and lasts approx. 10 weeks.
The course is aimed at managers and specialists in the construction sector who want to further their education and position themselves in the field of timber construction. The course is aimed in particular at
- Architects
- Civil engineers
- Planning master builders
- Master carpenters
The course consists of 3 modules:
- Module: Wood as a building material (wood as a resource, properties, materials, types of wood, design differences to other materials)
- Module: Timber construction methods and load-bearing systems (historical and modern timber construction methods and load-bearing systems, structural design, modelling and tectonics)
- Module: Construction with wood (resilient constructions and superstructures, polyfunctionality, prefabrication and joinery, system and modular construction, based on multi-storey structures of common building typologies)
Application deadline is September 20, 2024.
More information: Grundlagen Holzbau - TU Graz
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