Investing in green heat generation with new biomass boiler
Naturally carbon-neutral and sustainable: A new third biomass boiler plant and the general overhaul of the existing biomass heating plant provide the site in Paskov with the thermal energy needed to dry the sawn timber and shavings for pelletising.
Since the start-up of the sawmill in Paskov in 2004, the production volume had increased to around 800,000 cubic meters of sawn timber and 90,000 tons of pellets per year. Since 2020, the site has also had a wet storage facility with 1.4 hectares for up to 70,000 solid cubic meters. The existing heat generation plants had been running at full speed for 17 years, and the wet storage facility means new demands on a biomass power plant in terms of the usability of wet bark and wood shavings while complying with strict exhaust gas limits. This and the continuous increase in production prompted Mayr-Melnhof Holz to invest a sum of 6.5 million Euros in a new state-of-the-art biomass boiler supplied by Carinthian power plant specialist Urbas as well as in the overhaul of the existing plants.
High quality standards for technology and environmental protection were the guiding principles for the decision. During realisation the team incorporated the lessons learned at the Russian sawmill site Efimovskij: Its third biomass boiler had been installed in 2019.
Thanks to this expansion, the Paskov plant is now able to dry its entire production volume and fully utilise sawmill by-products at the site.
Mayr-Melnhof Holz pursues a no-waste policy. This sustainability approach spans across the entire procurement and production process. 100 percent of the valuable resource that is wood are utilised. In Paskov, only bark as well as residual wood and sawmill by-products that cannot be utilised are used as fuel.
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